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Good services at work - People in particular disadvantage



The Good Services at Work is a measure of the Piedmont Region, financed by the European Social Fund 2014-2020, to promote the occupational integration of people at a particular disadvantage.


To whom it is addressed

Unemployed persons resident or domiciled in Regione Piemonte in one of the following conditions of disadvantage: Holders of a residence permit for humanitarian reasons or applicants/beneficiaries of international protection - Foreign unaccompanied minors - Ex-prisoners – Users who do not reach the threshold laid down in art.3 L.68/99 - With learning disabilities (DSA) - subject to judicial measures - severely marginalised - Rom, Sinti and Camminati

What Services can be requested to Orienta

Job guidance services, support for the drafting of the CV and the cover letter, strategies for sending effective applications, simulation of interviews are available free of charge. We will guide you to define your professional goal and accompany you to the world of work to recognize the most suitable offers to you.




Address: Via Piffetti, 16 - 10143 Torino
Phone: 011/5213455
E-mail:  [email protected]

Indirizzo: Via Marconi n.4 - 12037 Saluzzo (CN)
Telefono: 0175/291450
E-mail:  [email protected]