Orienta is now on Telegram!



Job offers, news, tips and much more... now you can have al these contets at your hand! Subscribe to our Telegram channels and apply to the best job opportunities in one click.


Orienta HealthCARE is the channel dedicated to healthcare specialists. Here you can find all our job offers and keep in touch with the news of the industry.

For years, Orienta HealthCARE is a leader in its field for research, selection, temporary work and staff management, with a specialised Team that is constantly up-to-date and educated on the current laws. 

If you are looking for a new job position or you already work in the healthcare industry and do not want to miss the latest news, subscribe to our channel.


To learn more about Orienta HealthCARE, visit our website


The Telegram channel Le Cicogne offerte di lavoro is dedicated to the research and selection of baby-sitters, caregivers and domestic assistants.

If you are looking for a new occupation in one of these fields, subscribe to our channel.


Orienta - Area Adriatica on Telegram is the channel dedicated to job offers, training courses and orienting in all the eastern regions of Italy, from Marche to Apulia. 

Do not miss the best job offers in the area and subscribe to our channel.
